Step 1 - Draw the tree stem using two curved lines and another two 'V' shaped lines above.
Step 2 - Add lines inside the stem to give it more details and couple of more roots.
Step 3 - Start drawing the branches using cloud shapes and draw them in different sizes.
Step 4 - Keep sketching the branches, draw three more on the right side from large to small.
Step 5 - Add a few more in the center of the tree, the same technique we used before.
Step 6 - Finish the sketching of the branches on the left side.
Step 7 - Add more details to the branches by drawing squiggly lines inside.
Step 8 - Use the same method and draw more squiggly lines in the top branches.
Step 9 - If you were drawing with a pencil, you can trace your guidelines with a black marker and erase the pencil after.
Step 10 - Color your drawing, notice that I used a clear green in the center of the branches and darker green between them.
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