Step 1 - Start with an oval shape for the head and draw a curved line from the top part of the head.
Step 2 - - Add two more curved lines, one from the left part of the head and another one parallel to the one with drew before.
Step 3 - Continue drawing the line we added in the previous step and connect it where the line ends. Draw another line inside the Snake's body.
Step 4 - Draw the rest of the snake's body, continue the lines we were drawing before.
Step 5 - Sketch the tail, divide it to two elongated shapes and add a few lines at the end of the tail.
Step 6 - Draw the snake's eye and tongue, add a few details to his face.
Step 7 - Keep adding more details to his body, draw parallel lines at the bottom of his body and on the left side of the head.
Step 8 - Trace your drawing with a black marker and add a few vertical lines on the lower part of his body.
Step 9 - For the coloring part you can add spots as I did, start with a brown rounded shapes in different sizes and add lighter color around them.
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